The Federation’s Trustees have a broad range of expertise in education, business and the charity sector, with many also having chosen one of our academies for their child’s education.  They also have a strong understanding of the importance of the work we do.

The Trust’s primary role is to hold the senior management of the Federation accountable for the services they provide, including the Executive Principal, the Chief Finance Officer, the Heads of School and the Vice Principals. They offer the Senior Team appropriate support and challenge to ensure each of the academies continues to improve and to ensure the central services of the Trust are delivered to a high standard.

The Trust is currently composed of:

  • 3 Trustees appointed as a result of their experience within finance, business, HR, education and school improvement.
  • 1 Trustee appointed from each of the partner academies.
  • 2 Trustees appointed by the LGB of Catmose College.
  • Co-opted Trustees as appointed for their relevant skills, currently including one from Oakham School.

The full Trust meets six times per year and focusses on matters concerning overall standards across the Federation academies, capital projects and updates from the resources committee regarding staffing and finance.

The Resources Committee, is a sub-group of Trustees with particular expertise in finance and HR, meets separately six times per year and has the remit to agree matters regarding staffing, finance and site issues (see Terms of Reference of the Resources Committee). It scrutinises the detail of the academies accounts, the implementation of budgets and audits the works of the Federation’s finance team.


The composition of the Local Governing Body can be varied to best suit the needs of the individual academy, for example to reflect its religious ethos or specific stakeholder groups.

A typical community academy’s Local Governing Body will have the following members:

  • The Executive Principal.
  • The Head of School (or equivalent).
  • 2 parents.
  • 1 staff member.
  • Up to 8 members appointed by the Local Governing Body.
  • Such other members as the Directors decide.

It is responsible for:

  • Setting the aims and objectives of the Academy.
  • Provides challenge and support for the leadership team of the academy to ensure standards are high and the ethos and vision of the school is implemented successfully.
  • Determination of the educational vision of the Academy in consultation with the Directors, including, but without limitation, determination of the Academy’s development plan.
  • Determination and implementation of the admissions policy in consultation with the Directors for the Academy in accordance with admissions law and Department for Education codes of practice.