(Some Trustees have children that attend the schools or spouses who are employed by the Federation).

Name Detail of Interest – a list of the relevant business and pecuniary interests for each member and trustee including governance roles in any other educational institutions and any material interests arising from relationships between governors and school staff. Any Conflict Relevant Business
Jay Banerjee Consultant, LRI; Professor – Uni of Leics; Professor – Uni of Loughborough; Director of Jay Banerjee Consultancy Ltd
Elizabeth Birchall Governor
Rachael Coyne Employee of Rutland and District Schools’ Federation
Ian Dodd Self-employed; Trustee at RDSF
David Evans Trustee of Rutland Learning Trust
Emma Gautrey Governor / Trustee Independent Foster Panel Member for RCC 13.2.20
Judith Gilboy Chair of Trustees – Peppers
Robert Guthrie Governor; St George’s British International School, Rome & Old Swinford Hospital, Stourbridge
John Harrison Head of School, Harington
Samantha Hearth Director Rutland Early Years Agency Ltd
Andrew Holt Finance Manager – Home from Home Childcare; Director/Trustee RDSF

Family member is a Governor at Harington LGB.

Family member has completed paid work for RDSF.

Matthew Holt Employed by Capital One, Governor at Harington School Family member is Chair of Trustees and Chair of LGB Catmose College
Laurence Howard Retired; President of Leics and Rutland Community Foundation
Kelly Jackson Head of School Catmose Primary
Sarah (Sally) Kirkby Self Employed; Casual invigilator/Governor/ Trustee of RDSF
Tessa Leuchars Employee of Rutland and District Schools’ Federation
Adam Lowe Chairman & Trustee – Briggs Charity; Trustee – Rutland Grants; Memorial Institute & Carlton Hayes; Founder & Chairman of K.A.R.E Charity; Councillor on Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council
Guy Magrath Director – GHM Digital LTD, Board Advisor – Irish Life/Box UK/Econsultancy Spouse employed by RDSF
Gary Marsh Retired teacher; Trustee – Peppers and Rutland House Community Trust
Simon Mellors Operations Director, RDSF Spouse employed by RDSF
Andrea Menzies Director Amanet Ltd
Margaret Miles Governor at Harington School, Trustee at Oakham School, Advisor at Copthill School, Uffington
Peter Moody University of Leicester
Alexandra Mould Nursery Nurse – St Nicholas Cottesmore – part of Rutland Learning Trust
Robert Mulvey Packaging Design & Manufacture
Clive Nørgaard Morton Chairman – Lifestyle Media
Melanie Pitkeathly Director of Rutland Early Years Agency Ltd
Dyl Powell Retired; Governor Harington School
Henry Price Head of Oakham School
Martyn Rhowbotham Retired; Trustee of RDSF
Briege Slattery Governor
Ben Solly Head of Uppingham Community College
Geoff Thompson Retired; Director & Chair – Uppingham Community College; Director – Uppingham First and Rutland First; Finance Director – Uppingham
Barney Thorne Safeguarding Partnership Manager Leics Police
Mark Tinkler Cambridge Global Payments: Chair of Catmose Primary Friends – PTA Charity
Stuart Williams Executive Principal Rutland and District Schools’ Federation Spouse employed by RDSF
Andrew Wright DeMontfort University (Reader); External Examiner, Reading University